Sunday, March 13, 2011

New arrivals Annie and Felix

We collected new arrivals Annie (Brown Capuchin) and Felix (Weeper Capuchin) on Friday morning.  The vet was there to sedate Felix as we were told that he was a big, aggressive primate.  Felix proved more difficult to sedate than we had expected as he realized what was going on and was not going to co-operate.  Annie, a gentle soul was hand caught without being sedated and sat calmly in her traveling box.  When we arrived back at the sanctuary, Felix was still out cold and we started to become concerned.  The day did not go exactly as planned as we were looking forward to releasing the two of them into their huge enclosure but Felix was still asleep.  We grew increasingly worried about him as he was just not waking up.  We took his temperature and turned him over every fifteen minutes with no response at all until 5pm.  We were very relieved when he came round and within the hour he was eating and drinking.  In the meantime, we moved Annie into a temporary cage so that she could be freed from her traveling box.

On Saturday morning we took them both out to their new enclosure and were delighted to see them enjoying the large space and tree.  Annie spent the entire day in the tree and would not even come down for treats.  Felix investigated the enclosure but was calm and taking food from our hands within the hour.  Felix did not show any sign of aggression towards any of the volunteers and we were really pleased that he was so relaxed.

Annie is absolutely adorable – very sweet and gentle.  Felix is more energetic but not aggressive.  On Sunday morning Annie came down to take her supplements and was investigating more but loves her big tree.

We took Chino (baby Brown Capuchin) up to meet his foster parents.  A volunteer sat on the outside of the enclosure with him so that he would feel safe.  He was a little clingly and nervous of Felix.  We will be taking him up every morning so that he can slowly get used to them.

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