Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Busy Day

The day started off with a broken geyser, broken washing machine, two leaking toilets and electrical problems.  Thanks to our efficient handy man, the geyser, one toilet and electrical problems were fixed fairly quickly.  The washing machine still has to be tested and then just as we thought we had everything under control, the geyser started overflowing with boiling water.  Never boring here !!!.

As the volunteers were trying to prepare the primate food, a swam of bees decided to help themselves to some juicy fruit.  They were everywhere – it was a real problem and slowed down the process of the preparation.  The only solution will be to contact a bee collector and have the bees removed, no doubt at great expense but it was the only thing that worked last year when they were helping themselves to the monkey food in the enclosures and we were worried that a monkey would get stung.

Stav (Macaque) will be able to join his friends tomorrow as his wound has healed up.  We had to separate him for a while because the other Macaques took his stitches out and were picking away at his wound. 

Pixie (dog) who was attacked by Casia (another dog) was came home on the 26th December after spending the night at the animal hospital but has had to go to the vet every day (except today) to have her wounds flushed out.  She will be stitched up tomorrow.  We are busy building a separate area for her, adjoining Sarah’s room so that she will have somewhere safe to stay when we cannot be around to supervise her with Casia.

Lulu, our new puppy who was found in a garbage bag by the side of the highway is not well today and not eating very much.  She is still underweight and we are worried about her, so she will be going in to the vet with Pixie tomorrow.

Then, at pellet time Jax came down to tell me that Teddy (Marmoset) had suddenly collapsed.  I went rushing straight up, but he had died.  It was very upsetting for everyone.  We have no idea what caused his death, but will take him in for an autopsy tomorrow.

The problems of the day were not over yet.  Sarah came to tell me that Shapken (Mona monkey) had what looked like a blood blister on the side of his mouth.  It looks like an injury.  He was eating well and behaving normally, so we gave him some pain killer and will monitor him.

Quite an eventful day !!!!

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